Big artistic challenges
I wanted to find out how I could use the form of the rock opera to demystify aspects of financialised capitalism through music and storytelling. I’m not a brilliant writer like Michael Lewis (The Big Short), nor a professional print-maker and filmmaker (like my friends Dan and Hilary behind the Bank Job film and project). My tools of trade are songwriting and music production: how can I use these to make a contribution to the wider cultural conversation about the power of the finance industry? In early 2023, these tools of trade were extended to DIY, zero budget filmmaking: I worked with former BBC producer Bill Garrett to pull together a 50 minute rock opera film for the launch of Canary Wharf at an independent Melbourne cinema in April.
This self-imposed artistic quest brought up a number of creative challenges I had to solve:
-financialisation is an abstract and complex idea, even a pretty dull subject, not easily lending itself to music or drama - how do I make this into a story that grabs interest?
-how do I write songs about forces that are bigger than the characters, the a-moral finance machine itself. I didn’t want to resort to ‘heroes and villains’ lyrics and story, I didn’t want to write ‘protest songs’ about us versus them.
-how can I use the emotional power of music and sound to best effect while spinning an album-length narrative?
The extent to which I have succeeded against any of these criteria is ultimately up to individual listeners to judge. However, this rock opera is also part of my practice-led Phd in creative arts at La trobe University, Melbourne. I’ll be exploring how I’ve tried to address these creative challenges and more as I write up my experiences in my thesis.